Vegepod Gets Involved In Community Gardening!

Vegepod is proud to announce the launch of its new Community Programs! These programs are designed to help those in the community by providing access to veggie gardens and the therapeutic benefits gardening gives as a whole.   

In collaboration with Dr Kate Neale from Southern Cross University, the community programs are being rolled out in a number of sectors including: early years education; schools; social housing; rehabilitation; disability; aged care and health care services.

Dr Kate Neale of Southern Cross University. Credit: The Northern Star

Kate’s research interests lie within socio-cultural theory (learning through doing), accessible methodologies, knowledge translation, and the ethical considerations of involving vulnerable groups in a meaningful capacity.

Her expertise added to the programs will make them unique as they are designed alongside the people they hope to benefit. “It’s important that people are empowered to make decisions about how they want their garden to work, and what they want to grow,” says Dr Neale. “The approach we are taking is to work with the individuals who will ultimately use the gardens. We want to find out how we can tailor a program to their needs. People aren’t one size fit all, and so we don’t want gardening programs that are either.

vegepod community garden program

Installing Vegepods at Compass Housing Services in Logan. Credit: Brookfield Garden Centre 

Tapping into the enormous knowledge around therapeutic gardening, the programs are evidence-based, person-focused and well-being centred. “The benefits of gardening on an individual and societal level are immense and well known,” explains Dr Neale. “They include lowering anxiety, lessening social isolation, building skills and bringing people together.”

She adds, “And anyone can garden! Our programs literally cater for everyone, no matter what age, background, ability or environment! Vegepod’s universal design makes gardening accessible and safe for everyone and the perfect garden bed for use in community gardens or independent living arrangements. Because of this, being able to collaborate with Vegepod is a dream come true”.

Dr Kate, the gang, and Phil Pettit of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Belmore Boys High School 

It is so exciting to be able to work with an Australian-owned company committed to seeing their product be used to empower and engage those in our community often not given that opportunity. I’m thrilled to be able to lead the collaboration, and I hope people get behind and support it. We should all be supporting companies that support our communities, and this is a shining example of that” says Kate.

If you are keen to partner with us on the development or rollout of our community programs, we’d love to hear from you!

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