Teaching Kids about Sustainable Living with the Vegepod

Growing your own food is one of the best ways to create a more sustainable way of living and encourage a healthier lifestyle. Instead of driving to the shops to buy vegetables grown hundreds of kilometres away, by raising your own chemical free crops, you can just walk to the garden and back. And by having organic food growing in the heart of your home, you will always have a healthy option ready to go. AdobeStock_89642633-2 And best of all, you set a great example for your children, showing them the benefits of sustainable living from a young age and giving them life skills that will serve them positively.

Start ‘em young

Vegepods allow you to quickly and easily grow a variety of vegetables and herbs in your own backyard. Self-contained and self-watering, this innovative modular design is perfect for showing kids where food comes from, and, most importantly, how it can be sustainably grown. Through growing your own food with a Vegepod, children can be shown how, with just a little effort, you can grow tasty food all year round - with no need to go to the shops!


Life lessons with the Vegepod

In modern life, it’s easy to become disconnected from the planet, especially the source of our food, which most often comes from a supermarket. But when children see vegetables growing in a Vegepod in their own garden, they will understand where food comes from and develop a closer connection to the earth. Also, they will see that, with the right techniques, food can be grown sustainably in the home and cultivated as a renewable resource, instead of something that is instantly available at the market. This is hugely important for young people to learn – the coming generations are facing huge environmental challenges through rising populations, climate change and pollution. By showing them a small change – growing your own food in the home – you can positively influence the way they live the rest of their lives, consciously choosing better alternatives for food and living. What environmental lessons would you like your child to learn? Let us know – and we’ll see how we can help…

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